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Expert Review

'Francis and Rosy: Over the Pole' went under a comprehensive review in late 2013-early 2104 with the assistance of Principal Linda Norton at Stewart Elementary School in Garden City, NY and two charming experts, Emma and Emma. As result of their helpful insights the book under went revisions and additional illustrations were developed.


I cannot thank Principal Norton and 'Emma Squared' enough for the wonderful lunchtime sessions when we would review 'Francis and Rosy' chapter by chapter. (Three books actually!) I received their full attention and many comments. These sessions just happened to include loads of giggles and laughs too. I cannot remember a better time. I am greatly indebted to Principal Norton who had the foresight to pick these wonderful students and arrange our time together. Her leadership and discussion of 'Francis and Rosy' from a teacher's perspective was wonderful. I am not sure how I may ever adequately thank her.


And I also need to thank Grace, who has squeesed me into her rigorous schedule, to give me her thoughtful and mature comments.



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