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john m reid


John is an architect who loves working with people. He is at ease working with clients to assist them to define their vision and project objectives.  He is a natural moderator who has worked on many large (and small too) projects around the county and globe. Whether it is a large Fortune 500 project or small renovation work for friends and family, his goal is always the same, what is best for the client.


His creativity flows from architecture, to his art work and writing.  He has recently completed a first draft of a children’s novel series, ‘Francis and Rosy’.


While John takes his work seriously he does not take himself seriously. This may explain his role models are often comedians and his fondness for animated films.


He is proud to have grown-up in Flint, Michigan and has since traveled extensively for both work and pleasure.  He finds it to a big beautiful world out there where people of all societies have more in common than differences.  He likes coffee and wine, and he is happiest when he is in northern Michigan, traveling, playing golf, or watching Michigan football- just ask him he will tell you.

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