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Introduction to 'Francis and Rosy'


Sometimes you know someone for a long time and sometimes you know someone for a short time.   And once you become friends, for no matter how long, your friendship lasts forever. This is the story of unlikely but good friends, Francis and Rosy.


Some people might think that Rosy and Francis made an unusual pair. You might even ask what did they have in common?  Or how did they ever meet?

Rosy was a girl and Francis was a guy.  Rosy was from Michigan and Francis had lived many places. Rosy was young and in school and Francis, well nobody knew how old Francis really was.


In school, Rosy was someone who listened more than she talked and she usually did new things slowly. She did not plan it that way. That’s just the way she was. At least that was her way before she met Francis.


You knew when Francis was around. Francis liked to meet people and to try new things. He wasn’t loud or rude; in fact he was very polite. He was just full of life. 

It seems surprising, since Francis and Rosy were so different, that in a short time they became great friends.  They spoke many times but not all the time.  The liked each other most of the time and they learned to love each other all the time. And while Rosy might have seen herself as ordinary, Francis saw in Rosy as something much different.


In being friends, they discovered that Francis helped Rosy become Rosy, and in turn Rosy helped Francis be Francis.  This is not a just a story of being pals, this is a story that just needs to be told.


They lived in the same neighborhood, actually the same house. In fact, they shared the same room, sort of.  Rosy slept in her bedroom, and Francis stayed nearby in his spacious but much smaller room.


How Rosy met Francis is a story in itself. She really did not meet him, actually she heard something first, and then she saw something.  She really did not see him. What she saw first was a stick, which was Francis’ golf club.  And this was not a regular golf club, it was tiny golf club made from a paper clip.


Did I forget to tell you? Francis loved to play golf. Francis played hockey too. Well, you also need to know that, more than anything Francis was an artist who loved to style hair.


This all may seem a bit confusing, but really it is not.  It did start, the whole thing, the entire story of Francis and Rosy, with a small sound. A faint tiny rattle really. All friendships have to start somewhere. 



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